
Quick Links

This page contains download and newsletter info for WiiLeanback, the Nintendo Wii Remote utility created specifically for YouTube Leanback fans.  This utility, as shown in the YouTube video seen below, lets you surf YouTube videos viewed on your Windows PC from the safety and comfort of your couch using a Nintendo Wii Remote (A Wii console is not required, only the remote!)

[UPDATE: 07-19-2010] WiiLeanback is ready for download.  Also, I added the ability to control the volume of videos with WiiLeanback, something you can't do with YouTube Leanback's interface!




Download link for WiiLeanback 1.0 (Pre-Release)

Note: This is a pre-release version.  It has only been tested by myself.  Expect some bugs and the usual new software weirdnesses.  It is an easy one-click install with no dependencies. Please report successes and failures to the WiiLeanback Group on YouTube.  Here is the download link:

Download WiiLeanback 1.0 Now

If you want to be notified the instant updates and other cool stuff are available or want to get tips on how to get the most out of WiiLeanback, subscribe to our YouTube Leanback Tips, Tricks & Software newsletter below.    You can also join our YouTube Leanback Facebook group.





Stay tuned!  Something wicked comes this way! (Wickedly Cool)


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